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Graphic GIF Animations

animated business graphics - the triple hurdle sanitation system by PolarzoneThese simple 1-file graphical animations can be used to visually communicate ideas and information on your web page. They are convenient to use where a simple, single file is allowed and scripting, or other formats are not - as in an e-mail. They can be used to effectively communicate more information than a single graphic.

  • Great for banner ads
  • Use to communication a process or function
  • Use in Email
  • Can be used in PowerPoint or electronic presentations
  • Eye catching and convenient

Animated graphics for business - BBQ islands rotating adThe Graphic Interchange Format (.gif files), is a bitmap-based graphical file format designed for use on the Internet. It is highly compressed to minimize file transfer time and supports a limited range of colors, one of which may be transparent. The GIF format provides the ability to store multiple images in a single file. The file is called an animated .gif file when the multiple images are displayed in a timed succession.  The time intervals may be adjusted for each frame to yield an motion animation with quick intervals, or a rotating banner advertisement with slower frame interval displays.

For more intricate interactive animations, try a Flash Animation. Animations can also be accomplished through scripting or our new 3D animation video service.


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Animated Logos:

Animated logo